If you're bored and want something to do then have a go at the surveys on the "surveys" page. I'll try to add more as there's only two right now.
Congratulations Rosie Mckenzie with her great name: Pippylongstockings.
Well done everyone for getting the question of the week right, you all make me proud!!!
For more horse websites, scroll to the bottom of this page and go to the read more
Please have a go at my new cometition to have a chance of naming the new mascot, (and yes it's a horse) you never know you could win. Try it now on the "Competition" page.
Well done to everyone who tried the question of the week,and congratulations to the two people that amazingly got it right!
Thanks to everyone who contributed in the recent horse survey. Hopefully, I can do a
Well done, everyone got it right but look out as this weeks question of the week is a tricky one, unless you watched the Grand National.
Why don't you try out the new survey on the Games and more page so we can find out how much all of you horse lovers really love horses
* To be announced next week on Thursday 22nd April!
I can only see 5 aswell. There might be a horse on the floor somewhere or something, but I can't see it if there is.